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12th November 2014
Tikona - Excellent service (Only before you get the connection)

I was once a customer of Tikona. I had my take on poor service I had with Airtel, Airtel taking me for a ride Ride with Airtel still on - Feb/13/2013  Airtel ride cont...  After the initial major process failure and the effort they took to cover up for their mistakes, now I am a […]

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14th February 2013
Airtel ride cont...

<<Story until now Today is the Thursday 14/Feb/2013. I got a message yesterday night from the Head of sales that the account is activated and a technical person will come home to complete the installation process. He said the person will be in by 11 am. I was not sure what surprise was installed, so […]

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13th February 2013
Ride with Airtel still on

Story until yesterday: http://www.haringo.com/2013/02/airtel-taking-me-for-ride.html Yesterday night I went back home at 2:40 am. Prepared instant noodles for dinner (Yes, the same junk). And switched on the modem hoping the angels will make it happen. But, angels are for the dream. This is reality, the internet light was still off, putting an end to my suspense. […]

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12th February 2013
Airtel taking me for a ride

End Of BSNL I was using BSNL Broadband connection. It was a 2 mbps connection with limit to 20GB after which it will be charged extra. Night 2 am to 8 am was free. This plan was pretty good for me for years, but after I moved to my home, they had not moved the […]

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