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16th September 2014
Did you know Chinese Congee = Tamil Kanji

Do you know Chinese have a word that is derived from Tamil. It is Congee, which is porridge. The same in Tamil is Kanji. "Chinese rice congee". Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons. Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congee

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12th September 2014
How to run two Skype accounts on the same Windows PC

Note: This option is not available on the latest version of Skype. If you are like me, who used two Skype account, I would recommend using the older version of Skype. If you have two skype accounts and would want to have both the skype accounts available on your PC, here is a simple trick. […]

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11th September 2014
How to work with the details preview on Lightroom

If you are using lightroom, you would have faced the same problem as me, if you are using lightroom on a narrow monitor. When you expand Detail tool, you will not be able to see all of  the controls below the Detail preview.   From the above screen you can see that you cannot access […]

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10th September 2014
Rooms in Courtallam | Kutralam

Tried this lodge when I went on a solo unplanned trip. It was best for me. Also suitable for large groups and families. Shalom Lodge, Kutralam (Courtallam) try  these numbers: +91 9842182056, +91 9976691686. Very close to the main bus stand.

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9th September 2014
What does Shiva Lingam represent?

I never gave it a thought what Shiva Lingam really means or represents. The first time I ever heard an explanation is from a movie "Outsourced" released in 2006. It bothered me a little and I was not able to make a meaning out of it on why Shiva or Sivan should be represented as […]

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6th September 2014
Getting to know my mom has cancer and how I escaped from a cheating hospital

I still remember. It was May 13th, 2012. It was a Sunday. We had just moved in to our newly constructed house, my 28 years dream. I was out with my office friends for the weekend. We were getting back to Chennai. My friend Chandru who was the consulting engineer and also the mason, Velayudham […]

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