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17th August 2011
Fruits name from Englist to Telugu (తెలుగు)

I created this list from various sources to help people to identify their favorite fruits and enjoy the fruits that get from various parts of this world. Language should not stop you from tasting your favorite fruits I am compiling this list from various sources. Please feel free to let me know any changes/corrections needed. […]

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3rd August 2011
Fish names from English to Bengali (বাংলা)

I don't speak Bengali well. Few of my Bengali friends are helping me putting this list together as we always will have trouble finding the Bengali name but would know the English name. This list is still in progress. If you know the name for any missing fish from the list, please leave it in […]

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1st August 2011
Being Lazy, How I reduced 12kg (26 lb) in 3 months?

I am 33 now and I had put on a lot of weight over a few years. I was one among the leanest when until my college days, then I started eating a lot and all of a sudden I started putting weight and no going back. I am 5 feet and 10 inches, at […]

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