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14th July 2018
How to remove Formalin from Fish, Dry Fish, Vegetables and Fruits

It is a shock to most of us to see our trusted source of protein, fish is glazed with substance like Formalin. Formalin is Formaldehyde in water. Formalin is primarily used to preserve tissues from decaying by killing the bacteria which caused the decomposition. This is the reason Formalin is used to preserve dead bodies and during the embalming process to preserve a dead body for longer period of time.

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10th January 2014
Telugu Grocery Item names from English to Telugu (తెలుగు)

  Why being a native Tamil speaker I want to share this translation in Telugu? Yes, I am a native Tamil speaker. I can also manage in Telugu as my neighbors are Telugu and I have also been in Hyderabad for a good 1.5 years. There was an incident during my first week in Hyderabad. […]

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