Fish names from Spaish (Español) to English

14th June 2011

I created this list from various sources to help people to identify their favorite fish and enjoy the fish that get from various parts of this world. Language should not stop you from tasting your favorite fish.

I am compiling this list from various sources. Please feel free to let me know any changes/corrections needed. I am trying my best to source the names in native Spanish language. Please help me with the names in the comment section if possible.

Español English
Acciughe Acciughe
Agujas Gar-fish
Alacha Round sardinella
Almejas Clams
Alosa, f Twite shad
Anchoas Anchovies
Anchoillas en aceite Anchovies in olive oil
Anguila Eel
Anillos de calamares fritos Fried squid rings
Arenque Herring
Atún Tuna
Bacalao Cod
Bacalao Salt cod
Bacalao al horno con cebollas y patatas Baked salt cod with onions & potatoes
Bacalao guisado Stewed salt cod
Ballena Whale
Barbo de mar Barbel
Bastoncitos de pescado Fish fingers
Bocaditos de salmòn Salmon bites
Boga Bogue
Bogavante a la americana (con salse de tomate) Lobster American style (with tomato sauce)
Bogavante a la Newburg (con salsa de nata) Lobster Newburg style (with cream sauce)
Caballa / Makerela Mackerel
Calamares Squid
Calamares fritos Fried squids
Camarones Shrimps
Cangrejo Crab
Capitòn (gruesa hembra de anguila) Large female eel
Carpìn Crucian carp
Coquinas, f Wedge shells
Crema de bacalao Purèe of dried cod
Delphin Dolphin
Foca Seal
Garupa Giant Black Seabass
Huachinango Red snapper
Jaramugos Whitebait
Jurel Yellowtail
Lamprea Lamprey
Langosta Spiny-lobster
Langosta Thermidor
(gratinada en el caparazòn)
Spiny-lobster Thermidor
(broiled in its carapace)
Langosta, Bogavante Lobster
Langostino Crayfish
Lenguado Sole
Leon marino Sea Lion
Loncha de pez espada Swordfish steak
Lota Burbot; eel-pout
Luccio di mare Luccio di mare
Macabi Bonefish
Mantaraya Manta Ray
Mariscos Seafood
Marlin Marlin
Mero, Lubina, f Bass
Mixto de pescado cocido Boiled mixed fish
Mugil or Mugol Mullet
Navajas, f Razor-shells; razor clams
Ochinito, puerco marino Porpoise
Ostiones / Ostras Oysters
Pargo Snapper
Pavon Cinchado Peacock Bass
Pavon mariposa Butterfly bass
Paz Agula Needle Fish
Perca Perch
Pescado Fish
Pez fuerte Strong Fish
Pez gallo Roosterfish
Pez vela Sailfish
Pez volador Flying fish
Pulpo Octopus
Rape Monkfish
Robalo Snook
Róbalo Haddock
Rubio Gurnard
Sabalo Tarpon
Sàbalo, m Allis shad; true alose
Salmón Salmon
Santiaguiños, m Mantis shrimps; squills
Sardina Sardine
Spinarolo Spinarolo
Tiburon Shark
Tonnetto Tonnetto
Toro Jack Crevalle
Tortuga Turtle
Trucha Trout
Zamburiñas, f Pilgrim scallops
Albures, m Bleaks

It is a lie that Fatty fish are unhealthy. Here are the Health benefits of eating Fatty fish

I would like to hear from you if this list did help you in what you are looking for and if you have any suggestions to make this list even better.

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