How is nails related with Psoriasis

2nd June 2022

Psoriasis is still a mystery to modern science. There is no cure that I have ever come across for Psoriasis. There is only one option, that is to learn how to live with Psoriasis.

I have been studying how my body behaves with internal and external changes. Nails have been playing a role in how my Psoriasis starts, aggravates or is kept under control.

Whenever my nails start to grow, I will see new Psoriasis patches appearing, it gets severe in few areas and becomes very difficult to control. After many such cycles, I realized the nails knowing or knowingly will start to scratch a new patch. The new patch will not even become active if left alone, but the gentle scratch, activates the spot and takes makes it more itchy, the scratching continues and the whole cycle starts.

After realizing this connection, I make sure, I keep my nails cut and filed to leave no sharp edges. Believe, this will save you weeks or months of effort to get back the Psoriasis under control.

I hope I am able to help you in a small way on how to manage Psoriasis.

nailsPsoriasis spot

About Me: I have been living with Psoriasis for 7 years. With severe episodes when the place I sit will be surrounded with dry skin in just 30 min. Someone has to come and sweep the place to get the skin off. I have also had severe Psoriatic Arthritis attacks, when even getting out of my bed is a 10 min task.

I have not had any medicines or external applicants in my journey with Psoriasis. I try to listen to my body, try to understand, try new things and see what makes it feel better.

I will keep sharing my Phoriasis experience and suggestions. My intention is to help someone who might find this useful. These are also breadcrumbs for someone to speed up their understanding about psoriasis, who may be trying to find self cure like me and one day a cure will be born for psoriasis.

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